量表类 百分表 杠杆百分表 内径百分表 数显百分表 千分表 杠杆千分表 内径千分表 数显千分表 螺纹中径比较仪 测厚规 磁力表座 带表内卡规 带表外卡规 管厚规 厚度表 曲轴量表 橡胶硬度计表 连续测厚规 枪式内沟规 内径扭簧表 内径扭簧表架 百分表 千分表 DIAL INDICATORS 百分表是一种长度测量工具,并广泛用于测量工件几何形状误差及位置误差,可按GB、DIN、JIS、ISO标准供货。 百分表具有防震机构,使用寿命长,精度可靠。 The dial indicators are a length measuring tool. They are widely used for measuring the geometric deviation and position deviation of workpieces. They are made in accordance with GB、DIN、JIS and ISO standards. The dial indicators are equipped with shockproof mechanism to ensure the relable accuracy and long tool life. 千分表是一种高精度的长度测量工具,广泛用于测量工件几何形状误差及相互位置误差。 The 0.001mm dial indicators are a high accuracy length measuring tool. They are widely used for measuring the geometric deviation and position deviation of workpieces. 703-008
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